Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Inslee has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of the Lower Columbia College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Three general public members, one member representing business and one member representing labor.

All trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Landscape Architects, Board of Registration for

Examines candidates for licensure or registration and holds disciplinary hearings. The Board also recommends adoption of rules and regulations for administering the regulatory laws.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 18.96.040
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Compensation$50 per day, plus travel and per diem
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Four landscape architects; one public member who is not a past or present member of any other state licensing board, and who does not make his or her own livelihood from, nor have a parent, spouse, or child make their respective livelihood from providing landscape architecture services.

Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Plan 2 Retirement Board

Studies pension issues and serves in a fiduciary capacity of the Leoff Plan 2 retirement plan, and sets contribution rates. The Board also recommends pension policy to the Legislature in the interest of the members and beneficiaries of LEOFF Plan 2.
Board Website
Policy AreaLabor
Governor Appointments11
Total Board Positions11
Statutory AuthorityRCW 41.26.715
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursed for travel and education expenses
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: This is an eleven member board appointed by the Governor. Three board members shall be active law enforcement officers who are participating in the plan. The law enforcement office board member shall be appointed by the Governor from a list provided by a recognized statewide council whose membership consists exclusively of guilds, associations, and unions representing state and local government police officers, deputies, and sheriffs and excludes federal law enforcement officers. Three board members shall be active fire fighters who are participating in the plan. The fire fighters board member shall be appointed by the Governor from a list provided by a recognized statewide council affiliated with an international association representing the interest of fire fighters. Three of the board members shall be representatives of employers and shall be appointed by the Governor. One board member shall be a member of the House of Representatives who is appointed by the Governor based on the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. One board member shall be a member of the senate who is appointed by the Governor based on the recommendation of the Majority leader of the Senate.
*Term Information*
Law enforcement officer and firefighter board members serve terms of six years.
Employer representative board members serve terms of four years.
Legislative board members serve terms of two years, which begin on January 1st of odd-numbered years.

Legal Foundation of Washington

Administers and funds programs from interest on Lawyer's Trust Accounts (IOLTA), as directed by the Supreme Court. The Legal Foundation uses these funds to provide time and other available resources to civil legal aid programs to assist low-income people and the most vulnerable to overcome barriers in the civil justice system. The Foundation manages legal problems such as family safety, housing, health, and employment.
Board Website
Policy AreaPublic Safety
Governor Appointments3
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthoritySupreme Court
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursement of expenses
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term Limitsno more than 2 consecutive terms
Member Requirements: The members of the Legal Foundation of Washington board are appointed by the Governor, the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors, and the Washington Supreme Court. They are eligible for a two year term and eligible for re-appointment once.

Legislative Ethics Board

Administers the Ethics Act and maintains an awareness of the long-term effects that Board decisions may have on the legislative branch of government and the public trust. The Board also emphasizes training and the utilization of ethics advisors so that questions may be addressed in an educational rather than a confrontational setting.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 42.52.310
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursement of expenses
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Governor selects four citizen members from nominees provided by each of the four legislative caucuses.

LGBTQ Commission, Washington State

The LGBTQ Commission was created to improve the state’s interface with the LGBTQ community, identify the needs of its members, and ensuring that there is an effective means of advocating for LGBTQ equity in all aspects of state government.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments15
Total Board Positions15
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.114.030
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationExpense Reimbursement in Accordance with RCW 43.03.050 & 43.03.060
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsNone
Member Requirements: The Governor shall consider nominations for membership based upon a balance and diverse distribution of race and ethnic, geographic, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, and occupational representation, where practical.

Liquor and Cannabis Board

Promotes safe communities and public safety through fair administration and enforcement of liquor, tobacco, and marijuana laws. The Board also educates and engages licensees, the public and other stakeholders in addressing prevention of misuse of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco through professionalism and open communication.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments3
Total Board Positions3
Statutory AuthorityRCW 66.08.012
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: None specified by law.

Long-Term Services and Supports Investment Strategy Subcommittee

Four members appointed by the governor who are considered experienced and qualified in the field of investment shall serve as nonvoting members. The subcommittee shall provide guidance and advice to the state investment board on investment strategies for the account, including seeking counsel and advice on the types of investments that are constitutionally permitted.
Board Website
Policy AreaHealth
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions4
Statutory Authority
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationExpense Reimbursement in Accordance with RCW 43.03.250 & 43.03.050 & 43.03.060
Term Length (years)
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The commission shall establish an investment strategy subcommittee.

Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Commission

The purpose of the Commission is to propose recommendations to the appropriate executive agency or legislature regarding to issues related to long-term care and services. The Commission’s recommendations and decisions must be guided by the joint goals of maintaining benefit adequacy and maintaining fund solvency and sustainability.
Board Website
Policy AreaHealth
Governor Appointments10
Total Board Positions21
Statutory Authority
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationExpense Reimbursement in Accordance with RCW 43.03.250 & 43.03.050 & 43.03.060
Term Length (years)2
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The Commission consists of ten Governor appointed members as identified by the position requirements.

Lottery Commission

Serves as the administrative rulemaking authority for Washington's Lottery, The Commission sets prices of tickets, prizes, frequency of contests, manner and time of payments to winners and licenses lottery ticket agents, and maintain public supervision to ensure Washington State citizen's interests are served.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 67.70.030
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationReimbursement and per diem
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: None specified by law.

Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of the Lower Columbia College.The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.