File types & downloads

Documents may be provided in a variety of formats. If you do not have the software required to view a document, you may wish to download one or more of the free viewers using the links provided here.

File types

Acrobat reader

Nearly all publications placed on our website are created in Adobe® Acrobat® Portable Document File (PDF) format. PDF is used because this format maintains the original look and feel of large, printed documents, and allows us to place publications on the web in a quick and efficient manner. Further, PDF products are independent of platforms, applications, and distribution media. A free viewer is available at the Adobe® website.


Some files are provided as Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets. If you do not have software that will open a spreadsheet in this format, you may wish to download a Microsoft® Excel Viewer.


Some files are provided as Microsoft® PowerPoint presentations. If you do not have software that will open a presentation in this format, you may wish to download a Microsoft® PowerPoint Viewer.


Some documents are provided as Microsoft® Word documents. If you do not have software that will open a Word document, you may wish to download the Microsoft® Word Viewer.

Media players


Apple® QuickTime

real® Media Player

Windows® Media Player