Governor Ferguson welcomes requests to provide recognition for special events and occasions held in Washington state. Please note that the submission of a ceremonial request does not guarantee its fulfillment by our office. Due to the volume of requests received by the Governor's Office, requests must adhere to the guidelines below. If you have questions, please call the Governor's Office at 360-902-4111.
If you are requesting a recorded video greeting, please instead submit your request through our events page.
Please submit your request at least 45 days prior to the date by which you need the item. We are unable to fulfill any request not received within this timeframe.
- Ceremonial proclamation and greeting requests are not annually renewed. Requests must be made each year.
- Requests must come from Washington residents. This includes requests from national, international, and out-of-state organizations.
- Draft language and background information must be provided for ceremonial proclamation and greeting requests.
- The Governor's Office reserves the right to approve or decline, without comment, any ceremonial request.
- We reserve the right to edit any drafted material for final wording.
- The issuance of a ceremonial proclamation, greeting or letter does not indicate or imply a policy endorsement or commitment from Governor Ferguson or the Governor's Office.
- Once issued by the Governor’s Office, a ceremonial message may not be altered.
On this page
- Proclamations
- Greetings
- Ceremonial letters (military retirements, anniversaries, birthdays, scout graduations, condolences, congratulations and commendations)
Request a ceremonial proclamation
The goal of a ceremonial proclamation is to honor, celebrate, or create awareness of an issue (not an individual or organization) of statewide significance (see an example of a proclamation). Ceremonial proclamations generally recognize a day, week, or month. Requests must adhere to the additional guidelines below:
- We do not issue ceremonial proclamations intended to recognize individuals, organizations or businesses. In extremely rare circumstances, exceptions may be made for late individuals with historical significance or individuals who have made exceptional contributions to Washington or the United States. A request to honor an individual, family, specific organization, or group of organizations will qualify as a request for a commendation, which may be requested here.
- No proclamation or portion of a proclamation may be used as part of a paid advertisement without written permission from the Governor’s Office.
- The Governor’s Office reserves the right to deny, without further comment, any proclamation request, regardless of whether a similar request was accommodated in previous years. A proclamation neither indicates nor implies the Governor’s support of any given issue or project.
- If your proclamation is of local significance, please direct the request to local authorities such as county or city officials.
- The Governor’s Office issues proclamations on subjects of general interest to a broad group of residents. We want to recognize a subject in its broadest sense rather than a narrow interest within a larger movement.
- If you include statistics in a proclamation request, please include a link to a credible source that is supported by evidence. We may deny a proclamation request if references are not included. Include reference language such as, “according to …”
- You may not alter the text of the issued document in any way without the consent from the Governor’s Office.
- Please do not make announcements or plans for the proclamation until you have received confirmation from us. Additionally, if you feel the media may have an interest in your proclamation, it will be your responsibility to contact the media outlets.
- We review requests on a case-by-case basis and issue proclamations at the Governor's discretion. We do not automatically renew recurring proclamations, so make a new request each year. We reserve the right to edit all draft language. These documents are strictly ceremonial, not legally binding, and should not be interpreted as a political or policy endorsement of any kind.
- Proclamations should not take sides on matters of religious, ideological, or political debate, nor should they address personal or individual convictions. Proclamations also may not take a policy stance (e.g., need for increased funding, change in policy).
- Please use the online form on our website to request a proclamation. We will not accept requests by mail, fax, phone, email, or hand delivery.
- Proclamations are issued for one period of time only. For example, if “Washington Day” is proclaimed on January 1, then “Washington Week” and “Washington Month” will not be proclaimed in the same calendar year.
- If you request a proclamation similar to one already issued, we may supply you with the previously issued proclamation.
- Draft language must be in the ceremonial proclamation format, including the WHEREAS sentence structure (see example of ceremonial proclamation format).
- Ceremonial proclamations must fit on a single page and be in 12-point font, with room remaining for the signature of the Governor and the seal of the Governor’s Office.
Request a ceremonial proclamation here.
Request a greeting
Event greetings can help organizations celebrate special events held in Washington. These typically include business and professional conferences, cultural festivals, non-profit fundraising benefits, and other significant events. Requests must adhere to the additional guidelines below:
- Event greetings are issued only for Washington state agencies and organizations, or national and international organizations holding conferences and other significant events in Washington.
- Event greetings cannot be issued for personal events such as family reunions.
NOTE: This does not apply to requests for video greetings, which should instead be submitted as an event invite.
Request a ceremonial letter
Ceremonial letters from the Governor are available for birthdays (turning 100 or over), key milestone anniversaries, scout graduations, condolences, congratulations, and commendations for other achievements.
Complete this online form to request a ceremonial letter - anniversaries
Complete this online form to request a ceremonial letter - birthdays
Complete this online form to request a ceremonial letter - Eagle Scout or Girl Scout
Complete this online form to request a military retirement letter
Complete this online form to request a state agency retirement letter