Gov. Jay Inslee statement on Ex-Im Bank reauthorization

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Gov. Jay Inslee’s statement regarding Congressional approval of legislation to reauthorize the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank:

“The Ex-Im Bank is a critical tool that supports hundreds of industries, thousands of companies, and hundreds of thousands of American jobs across every state. As governor, I have prioritized economic growth and the creation of good-paying jobs in Washington state. Increasing our exports is critical for our continued success. I have joined governors all around the country in urging Congress to pass a long-term reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank, and applaud Congress for taking this important step to increase job opportunities in our states and grow the national economy. I thank our state’s delegation for their work on this, particularly Senators Murray and Cantwell and Reps. Larsen and Heck.”

Earlier this year, Inslee and Alabama Governor Robert Bentley led a coalition of a bipartisan majority of the nation’s governors in urging Congress to renew the Ex-Im Bank’s charter.

Media Contacts

Jaime Smith
Governor Inslee’s Communications Office