
Proclamations are formal public declarations from the governor. Often proclamations declare states of emergency or call the legislature into a special session. Proclamations on this page are unique from the ceremonial proclamations issued by the governor’s office.

Select the column headings in the table below to sort by proclamation number, issue date, title or status.


Number Issued Title Status
20-29 03/25/2020 COVID-19: Telemedicina Inactive
20-28 03/24/2020 COVID-19: Ley de Reuniones Públicas Abiertas y Ley de Registros Públicos Inactive
20-28 03/24/2020 COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act Inactive
20-27 03/24/2020 COVID-19: Electronic Notary Effective Date Inactive
20-27 03/24/2020 COVID-19: Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia de la Notaría Electrónica Inactive
20-26 03/24/2020 COVID-19: LCB Penalties Inactive
20-23.01 03/24/2020 COVID-19: UTC Ratepayer Assistance Inactive
20-23.01 03/24/2020 COVID-19: UTC - Asistencia al Contribuyente Inactive
20-25 03/23/2020 COVID-19: Stay Home, Stay Healthy Inactive
20-25 03/23/2020 COVID-19: Quedate en Casa – Mantente Sano Inactive
20-24 03/19/2020 COVID-19: Restrictions on Non-Urgent Medical Procedures Inactive
20-24 03/19/2020 COVID-19: Restricciones en Procedimientos Médicos No Urgentes Inactive
20-23 03/18/2020 COVID-19: UTC Waivers Inactive
20-22 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Truck Driver Hours Inactive
20-22 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Horas del Conductor de Camion Inactive
20-21 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Unemployment Insurance Waiver Inactive
20-21 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Beneficio por Desempleo Inactive
20-20 03/18/2020 COVID-19: DOR Waivers Inactive
20-19 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Moratorium on Evictions Inactive
20-19 03/18/2020 COVID-19: Desalojos Inactive