
Proclamations are formal public declarations from the governor. Often proclamations declare states of emergency or call the legislature into a special session. Proclamations on this page are unique from the ceremonial proclamations issued by the governor’s office.

Select the column headings in the table below to sort by proclamation number, issue date, title or status.


Number Issued Title Status
20-41 04/03/2020 COVID-19: Departamento de Concesión de Licencias – Extensión en la Renovación de Licencias Inactive
20-41 04/03/2020 COVID-19: DOL License Renewal Extension Inactive
20-40 04/02/2020 COVID-19: Building Code Implementation Dates Inactive
20-40 04/02/2020 COVID-19: Enmiendas al Código de Construcción del Estado Inactive
20-25.1 04/02/2020 COVID-19: Stay Home, Stay Healthy extension Inactive
20-25.1 04/02/2020 COVID-19: Prolongacion de "Quedate en Casa – Mantente Sano" Hasta el 4 de Mayo de 2020 Inactive
20-39 03/31/2020 COVID-19: DRS Post-Retirement Employment Inactive
20-38 03/30/2020 COVID-19: DSHS Facilities Inactive
20-37 03/30/2020 COVID-19: DSHS NAR Waiver Inactive
20-36 03/30/2020 COVID-19: DOH Facilities and Hand Sanitizer Inactive
20-35 03/30/2020 COVID-19: DOC Community Custody Violations Inactive
20-35 03/30/2020 COVID-19: Departamento de Correccionales – Violación de la Libertad Condicional Inactive
20-34 03/26/2020 COVID-19: SAO Waivers Inactive
20-33 03/26/2020 COVID-19: Departamento de Niños, Jóvenes y Familias - Visitas a Niños y Servicios de Recuperación Inactive
20-33 03/26/2020 COVID-19: Visitation and Remedial Services Inactive
20-32 03/26/2020 COVID-19: Health care worker licensing Inactive
20-31 03/26/2020 COVID-19: Childcare, background checks Inactive
20-31 03/26/2020 COVID-19: Departamento de Niños, Jóvenes y Familias - Cuidado Infantil y Verificación de Antecedentes Inactive
20-30 03/25/2020 COVID-19: ESD Job Requirements Inactive
20-29 03/25/2020 COVID-19: OIC Inactive