Flag Status - Half staff
Economic and Revenue Forecast Council
Combines statistical models and available data to promote state government financial stability by producing an accurate forecast of economic activity and General Fund revenue for the legislature and governor to be used as the basis of the state budget.
Board Website | https://erfc.wa.gov/about/council-members/erfc-council-members/all |
Policy Area | Transportation and Economic Development |
Governor Appointments | 2 |
Total Board Positions | 7 |
Statutory Authority | RCW 82.33.010 |
Public Disclosure Required? | No |
Senate Confirmation Required? | No |
Compensation | Travel Expenses |
Term Length (years) | 0 |
Statutory Term Limits |
Member Requirements: The council shall consist of two individuals appointed by the governor, the state treasurer, and four individuals, one of whom is appointed by the chairperson of each of the two largest political caucuses in the senate and house of representatives. The council may select such other officers as the members deem necessary.